Projects of the collective
"The Boat"
‘The Boat Theater’ is a non-verbal theater performance exploring themes of inhumanity in today's global society. It dives into the creation of humans, the treacherous journeys of forced migration, the protection of children, and advocates for LGBTQIA+ Rights. Through this form of theater, the collective amplifies messages of human rights and solidarity to all audiences regardless of language or background. Through theater it brings together refugees, migrants, and local Greek populations in one space able to understand and feel the same messages.
If you are interessted to watch the full performance, please contact us or check out our events for a live screening.
"Don't be afraid"
Women across the world have always been leaders, have always been strong and have always been fighting for all of our rights as humanity, fighting against systems of oppression and patriarchic rule. Women have been at the forefront of revolutions and the fight for autonomy and freedom from Argentina to Sudan, to Rojava, Afghanistan, Iran and beyond. Our fights across the world, of oppressed groups, of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, are intertwined - ‘nobody is free until everybody is free’. We must stand together 🕊✊🏽 Director: Iman Alidoosti Filming: Refocus Media Labs; Sude Fazlola Eli Fazlola @photo.ah Video edit: Majid Saffari Make up: Julia Bürge Space: ISON Theater
"The rope weaver"
This performance, ‘The Rope Weaver’, is based on a daily reality for Iranians. At least 20,165 people have been executed since 1979 in Iran. The Iranian regime has used and continues to use the death penalty as a tool of political repression to instil fear among the public and suppress people’s fight for freedom. At least 28 people, including three children, with new names added to the list everyday, could face execution in connection with nationwide protests any day now — this is a call for urgent action! Over 18,000 people have been imprisoned since the start of the revolution in mid-September. The defendants are subjected to sham trials —deprived of lawyers of their choice, kept in solitary confinement, and often subjected to both mental and physical torture. We must raise awareness, share their names, support their families, reach those who can amplify our voices against the inhuman violence of the regime Filmography: @ehsan_fardjadniya Video Editor: @photo.ah Director: @imanalidoosti
تجربه به ما نشان داده هر گونه مماشات با جمهوری اسلامی چیزی جز ضرر برای مردم ایران نبوده است .امروز جوانان و قهرمانان ما در زندان ها چشم انتظار حرکتی از سمت مردم هستند .مزدوران نظام و در رأس آن علی خامنه ای از کثیف ترین دیکتاتور های تاریخ بشریت نشان دادند که حقوق انسانی برای آنها معنی ندارد و اشتباهات و نا کارامدی خود را با قتل و اعدام و جنایت و تجاوز و … جبران میکنند . یکوت امروز ما برابر با کشته شدن فرزندانمان در روز های آینده است .هیچ چیز به جز ایرانی بدون جمهوری اسلامی مهمتر نیست .مراقب بازی های کثیف نظام و اختلافاتی که بین مردم به وجود می آورد باشید .کابوس این نظام اتحاد مردم است و راه توقف این جنایات هم اتحاد است. توماج صالحی : اگر دیدی درد مردم و بازم چشماتو بستی ظلم به مظلوم رو دیدی و از کنارش رفتی اگه از ترس یا واسه منفعتت خوده(سکوت)کردی تو هم همدست ظالم هستی و تو هم مجرم هستی . #نهبهاعدام Filmography: @ehsan_fardjadniya Video Editor: @photo.ah Director: @imanalidoosti
Projects of our Friends
Elena Yaqubee
Elena is a singer and songwriter, actress and artist. Listen to her inspiring songs on her Spotify Page or Youtube.